Rebecca is at the forefront of election reform of the antiquated electoral system.
- Rebecca passed Assembly Bill 9001, signed by the Governor in 2020, allowing candidates to satisfy both local and state requirements when running for NYS office by filing with just one entity.
- In Albany Rebecca championed a seven bill package of legislation which has reformed New York State’s Antiquated Electoral Process by expanding access to the polls and creating a more transparent campaign finance system.
- Rebecca sponsored legislation to establish a nine day early voting period, allow for no-excuse absentee voting, allow for election day registration, automatically transfer registration after a move in the state, require voter registration forms to include a space for pre-registration, and reform the Limited Liability Company campaign contribution policy.
- Rebecca introduced election reform legislation signed by the Governor in 2019 to streamline the filing of campaign financial disclosure reports by eliminating the $1,000 filing threshold at the State Board of Elections. This legislation requires all state and local candidates as well as campaign committees to file at the State Board through an electronic reporting system.